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Turned wood, rope

40' long x 19" dia max

Price on Request


Worry Beads, one for every year from 1945 (smallest in the pic), are scaled at one cc per human life. The volume of each is set by the number of terrorist-caused deaths for that year globally. The whole is about 40' long, the largest bead (2014) is 19" dia.


The #1 American fear, terrorist attack, is silly. The real horror: From 1945 thru 2017, globally, 413,000 people died via terrorism; in the same period in the US alone 992,000 people were murdered (and I’m missing data from 1946-1960).

Loren Madsen, Worry Beads, 2014-2019


    71 E. Commercial St.

    PO Box 503

    Willits, CA 95490


    Friday - Sunday

    11am - 5pm


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