Bruce Haanastra

Bruce Haanastra

Bruce Haanastra
I got started in photography when I went to college in Berkeley. For the first year or so I worked in black and white, doing my own developing and printing. They were interesting times and I did quite a bit of shooting around the campus as well as on trips to the ocean and the mountains. After that, I switched to color, shooting slides for many years until digital came along and got to the point where camera resolution was good enough to make reasonable sized prints.
After moving to Willits, I went through long periods where I did very little photography, but in the last couple of years I have gotten back to it much more often and have taken more photographs during that time than I ever have before. The Willits Photography Club has provided a strong impetus for
I enjoy shooting landscapes in large scale and small. I find that patterns attract my eye and I like to try different things when working with the photographs.
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